
Barrie'S Managed IT Service Provider

Barrie'S Managed IT Service Provider

How You’ll Get IT Strategy, and an Expert LOCAL On-Call IT Support Team for One Flat Monthly Investment

DEEP MSP™ gives you the expert-level CIO strategy they need at a fraction of the investment of hiring a full-time CIO and IT department.

And while we could give you just a Virtual CIO, we know from experience that strategy is useless without an experienced team to back it up.  

A team without strategy wastes time.

And great tech without internal alignment doesn’t get used.  

You need cutting-edge IT strategy backed by an expert technology team, all in alignment with your business processes, vision, and people. You need DEEP MSP™.
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Tech-Driven Business Value

DEEP MSP™ aligns IT strategy, process, and people to transform your technology department from a growth hurdle to a growth enabler.

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Does Any of This Sound Familiar?

How many times has your team submitted a ticket only to see the same problem again... and again... and again. . . for recurring issues like:
Windows updates causing lag, decreasing productivity during business hours.
Slow logins costing your staff time and production.
Rising costs every year despite stable licenses on your machines.
Repeated issues with printers and network connectivity
You shouldn’t have to be a “squeaky wheel” in order to get problems resolved in a timely fashion. And let’s face it, if your existing IT service provider can’t fix the “small things”, can you trust they’re taking care of the big items?

And then there’s the finger pointing ...

How many times have you dealt with a lack of ownership from your existing team or vendors, where issues arise within the network because no one takes responsibility for ensuring every change to the network is approved, secure, and aligned with the business?

How many times has there been finger pointing or blame instead of someone truly stepping up to the plate and owning the network? 

And there’s the “Priority Problem”...

How many times have you faced slow response times or times that are not what they should be for your investment? How many times has your provider referred to their contractual SLAs to justify slow responses?  

And how many times have YOU had to bring issues to your provider, rather than trusting that your provider will bring important and timely issues to you?  

If the answer to any of those questions is even once, then it’s too many times.

You should be able to say... 

My IT team resolves IT questions and issues promptly and to my team’s satisfaction.
My IT team takes care of the ongoing maintenance of my network, hardware/software procurement, and overall security.
My IT team brings strategies and concerns to me proactively, rather than waiting for me to come up with all the ideas and solutions.
My IT team regularly advises on how to improve business processes and leverage automation to increase productivity and profits.

I can trust my CIO in board meetings with executive leadership, trusting they can budget, present, and defend the technology plan and demonstrate how it will create business value.
I can trust my CIO to join me in meetings with vendors and other solutions providers as a trusted partner who can ask questions and provide feedback from the IT side.
My IT team gives me monthly reports on support issues and network uptime/downtime.
My IT team meets with me quarterly to review opportunities for improvement, advise on technology strategy, and help me plan for tech issues before they come up.
I actually like working with my IT team.
If you can't say all of the above about your IT team, whether that team is in-house, a break-fix support desk, or another managed service provider, then it’s time for DEEP MSP by ACT360.
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Combining People, Processes, & Tools to Drive Business Value through Technology


DEEP MSP™ aligns IT strategy, process, and people to transform your technology department from a growth hurdle to a growth enabler.

Develops Insightful Relationships

We believe IT is less about the technology itself and more about the way people INTERACT with technology. Our unique and proven process builds long-lasting relationships with your entire team to ensure your technology actually works the way you need it to. Through these relationships we’ll also evaluate and diagnose how your technology is working now, so we can make more strategic and informed decisions when the time comes.

Establishes Powerful IT Strategies

As we work with your team, we’ll explore where your business is today and where you want it to be tomorrow. Then we strategically determine the best way to get you from A to B quickly, affordably, and strategically. Sometimes, the more expensive option is best because it’s preparing you for the future. At other times, maybe we’ll look to reduce costs now so your technology can scale with you. No matter your situation, we’ll make decisions based on your goals, your budget, and what we know works best for situations like yours.

Enables Productivity and Profit

Chances are, your team is HOBBLED by your current IT structures without even knowing it. When your structures are causing bottlenecks, you can ‘crack the whip’ all you want and still never get anywhere.  

The DEEP MSP™ process uncovers productivity bottlenecks, eliminates inefficiencies holding your team back, and optimizes your IT for today’s needs as well as tomorrow’s. This lets your team can get back to work without the workarounds and worry.

Prepares Your Company for the Future

Where will your company grow in six months? A year? Ten years? DEEP MSP™ aligns your technology to your growth objectives, allowing you to prepare for the future while saving costs now.  
You gain access to an expert Fractional CIO/CTO, strategy sessions, helpdesk, network maintenance, hardware and software purchasing, and more all in one, enabling more holistic solutions for a single low investment.
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What You’ll Get

By choosing ACT360 as your Microsoft Silver Certified Managed Service Provider, you’ll get all of the following built in:
DEEP MSP™ People-First Onboarding Process
At ACT360, it’s the people behind the processes which drive us. Our People-First Onboarding gets to know the who, what, and why behind your current setup. We also immediately backup everything before we touch anything. This reduces any risk of downtime and ensures a smooth transition process.
DEEP MSP™ Productivity Benchmarking
We’ll benchmark how productive your team is and how you work before we make ANY recommendations.
DEEP MSP™ IT Dashboard
As part of the onboarding process, we’ll also build your IT dashboard giving you access to on-demand insights about uptime, ticket volume, and other key performance indicators.
Expert Migration Planning & Execution
After the People First Onboarding and benchmarking are complete, we’ll help your existing team or MSP migrate to new hosting, servers, or applications as needed to transition smoothly and without risk to your day-to-day operations or customer experience. Learn more about our MSP migration process.
DEEP MSP™ Technology Optimization
Once we have a good sense of your benchmarks, existing processes, and existing technology, we’ll make a series of strategic recommendations to optimize how you’re working, speed up your network, and streamline helpdesk resolution.
DEEP MSP™ On-Demand Reporting
You’ll also get access to on-demand reports about your network, helpdesk usage, and more. Just ask and they’ll be sent your way!
The DEEP MSP™ program also includes a fractional and virtual CIO, “VCIO”. Learn more about why we’ve included VCIO services into our MSP offering and how you’ll benefit by clicking here.
24/7 Antivirus Installation & Monitoring
Security is essential, which is why we’ve got you covered. Included in our work is 24/7 antivirus installation and monitoring for ultimate peace of mind. Learn more about our antivirus services.
24/7 IT Helpdesk Support via Phone/Email/Ticket
ACT360’s DEEP MSP™ includes access to an experienced IT team who will troubleshoot and resolve technical issues which come up WITHOUT you having to be a “squeaky wheel”. Learn more about our IT Services.
“Remote First” Laptop Setups
Another feature of DEEP MSP™ is the “Remote First” Laptop setup. Gone are the days where you need to mail your laptop or wait days in order for it to be “set up”. Using advanced and Microsoft-approved tools, you’ll be able to open your laptop and begin working even if you’re away from a company office.
Quarterly Business Reviews & Strategic Planning
The DEEP MSP™ Quarterly Business Review (QBR) is an essential and value-added part of the process. Every three months we’ll meet with your leadership to review the past quarter, identify new processes to automate, and plan for upcoming technology projects. Learn more about the VCIO-led QBRs here.
Ongoing Network Maintenance & Software Upgrades
We will “own” your network and ongoing updates and maintenance required to keep it running, including software updates.
YES! Let’s Talk

DEEP MSP Benefits

By choosing ACT360’s DEEP MSP™, you'll be able to...
Stop Worrying
about your website, software licenses, antivirus updates, hardware procurement and more because you knew it was ALL handled by an expert team
End Hassles
and tedious “workarounds” from applications which don’t play nice with each other
CONNECT your team members
together under unified and holistic software applications for better collaboration and information sharing
PROTECT your business IP
and your customer data from hackers and malicious entities thanks to powerful antivirus software and security best practice
REDUCE your risk
thanks to a safer and more secure IT network and infrastructure
SCALE your business
thanks to cost savings and profit generation resulting from improved IT management, productivity, and applications
EASE the burden
of making technical decisions and pass the IT strategy to a “Fractional CIO” (Virtual CIO) whose expertise spans industries
ALIGN your business strategy
with your technology operations to drive real business value
Listen: we can’t promise we’re the IT solution for you, but we WILL hear you out and give you a “second opinion” on your current pricing, ongoing tech problems, and future growth plans.

Take the first step and contact us today.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the investment?
DEEP MSP has simple, per-user pricing that’s all inclusive. Click here to explore our pricing.
Have you provided IT services for our industry?
We’ve been in business for over a decade and have experience across many industries. If you have any questions about how we can help and our experience, feel free to contact us as soon as the question comes to mind.
Can I pick and choose what IT services I get?
In our experience, you will need ALL of the nine tech component areas (see below) at some point, because everything in your IT is related. It’s going to be far more affordable and seamless for to you engage with us in the all-encompassing way than to pick one or two services. That way, we can help you save money and optimize your processes across the board.
Why should I move to you and take on the risk?
We frequently work with clients who already have an existing team or managed service provider. The benefit we bring is that while your in-house team may have seen a problem once or twice, we’ve seen (and solved!) the same problems many times across industries. We’re also well aware of how to optimize your setup and processes for more productivity and profit. Many MSPs stop at the support and are order-takers – we are not. We aim to be your strategic IT arm helping you save more money and leverage technology to create more profit opportunities.
What if I have an existing IT team?
We love working with accounting firms who have existing IT staff! That’s because our strategy-led DEEP MSP program supports your IT team’s efforts, rather than replaces them. We do this by: 
Helping the business team and the tech team align on metrics, best practices, and priorities
Assisting with automating routine tasks and answering routine tech calls, so your internal team can focus on other initiatives
Help improve IT team morale by letting them work on the “exciting” projects, rather than answer yet another helpdesk call
Provide strategy for the entire team so the tech team helps drive business growth
How do you mitigate the risk of moving to a new provider?
Let’s face it: there’s probably a reason you’re looking at new providers. However, we understand and fully appreciate the need to mitigate ALL risks, which is why we create “paranoid level” backups of EVERYTHING in your system before we touch or change anything.
What if we want to switch and the other provider isn’t cooperative?
Most providers are very cooperative and it’s actually pretty rare that a former MSP doesn’t share information. If in the unlikely case the other provider doesn’t share, we’ll tackle items one at a time to reset passwords and reclaim ownership.
Are you an IT Staffing Firm?
No, we are not an IT staffing firm. Some of our IT staff have been with us for over a decade, and we only work on one-off projects like network cabling and website development, or via our DEEP MSP program.
What does the Quarterly Business Review Include?
The DEEP MSP™ Quarterly Business Review (QBR) is an essential and value-added part of the process. Every three months we’ll meet with your leadership to review the past quarter, identify new processes to automate, and plan for upcoming technology projects. Learn more about the VCIO-led QBRs here.
What is working with you like?
We like to think we’re easy to work with, but don’t take it from us! Hear what our clients say in their own words. 
When should we get in touch?
As soon as you can! Even if you’re six months to a year out, touching base early can help us all get aligned and make the transition smooth. 
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Deep MSP™ Includes the Robust Technical Support You Deserve

If all of the above hasn’t persuaded you to contact us, here’s a deeper breakdown of the technical support the DEEP MSP™ program by ACT360, a Barrie IT Managed Service Provider.
Migration ManagementAn important part of any Managed Service Provider’s job is to ensure migration from one MSP to another, or from in-house servers and network to ours, happens smoothly, efficiently, and without undue downtime of essential business functions.
While every client’s migration is a little bit different, your ACT360 DEEP MSP™ engagement includes:
Initial “paranoid level” backups of EVERYTHING in your network and infrastructure before we touch anything

Initial “People First” Onboarding to determine how and why things were set up the way they were, so we understand the business and human purpose for processes, applications, and workarounds
Initial benchmarking of your network, ticket load, and other KPIs to see where you are at before changes are made by us
Creation of a detailed migration plan and documentation outlining the existing client systems, applications, and hardware and what changes will be made
Coordination with current or former IT providers, if any, to gather necessary passwords and documentation
On-site installation of any required hardware or station equipment
Installation and setup of new and Microsoft-approved anti-virus software
Migration from the old provider to the new provider
Rigorous testing and acceptance
Managed IT Services – ServerWhether your server is hosted on-premises or in the cloud, part of your DEEP MSP™ project with ACT360 includes managing your server.
Your ACT360 DEEP MSP™ engagement includes:
Initial server installation and ongoing maintenance
Performance metrics & monitoring
Deployment of operating system and software patches
Planning, scheduling, and performing software/firmware maintenance and upgrades in ways which don’t inconvenience your staff or your customers
Service monitoring and availability checks for business-critical services including DNS, DHCP, Exchange, II, SQL Server, TS, and more
Server backup plan, ongoing server backups, and server backup monitoring
Enforcement of IT policy management
Server license management
Managed IT Services – ClientAnother important aspect of hiring a Managed Service Provider is handling the hardware and software needs of your end users.
Your ACT360 DEEP MSP™ engagement includes:
Management of end user licenses (O365 and other applications)
Management of hardware procurement and provisioning
Management of access control according to business requirements and industry best practices
Management of user account creation, deletion, and configuration
Remote setup and configuring of Windows laptops and other devices
Reminders about upcoming license renewals
Advising on how to save costs on hardware and software
Patch management to keep systems and software up-to-date and secure
Help desk support for 50-150 employees (see Managed Service Desk & Support)
Managed Information SecurityNow more than ever, the security of your network and the safeguarding of your proprietary data is critical. A breach could cost you thousands, not to mention the potential for leaked IP and reduced customer trust. When you work with us, we put your IT security first.
Your ACT360 DEEP MSP™ engagement includes:
Installation and configuration of industry-standard antivirus and anti-malware software
Management of antivirus and security defenses for servers and endpoints
Management of network firewalls
Management of email filtering, spam protection, and virus detection
24/7/365 monitoring, detection, notification, and response to suspected system compromises
Ongoing recommendations for improved security protocols, processes, best practices, configuration changes, and other needs as necessary to keep your IT secure
Training as needed of staff and leadership
Managed Service Desk & SupportNo Managed Service Provider (MSP) project would be complete without service desk (helpdesk) support, and working with ACT360 is no different.
Your ACT360 DEEP MSP™ engagement includes:
24/7/365 access to a friendly and human support team via ticketing system, email, and phone
Live phone support, email support, and on-site support as needed (depends on the issue)
User-friendly ticketing system and issue tracking and reporting
Tier 1, 2, and 3 escalation support as well as a Service Coordinator and VCIO
Monthly dashboard and report of service desk usage
Response time monitoring and review with the MSP and your leadership to ensure your team’s support needs are being met
Business-friendly Service Level Agreement
Training as needed on common issues
Virtual CIO (VCIO) - Your IT Strategist and Point of Contact 
We believe that you need the right tools, the right team, the right business alignment, and the right strategy in order to succeed. With the Virtual and Fractional CIO (VCIO), you can rest assured that you’ll get the same level of expert IT strategy the “big guys” get, but for a fraction of the investment. 
Your ACT360 DEEP MSP™ engagement includes:
“Virtual CIO” who provides ongoing IT strategy to align with your business goals and objectives
Expert advice on hardware, software, and networking best practices and course of direction
Advisor to sit in meetings with other vendors and with the Board
Establishment and tracking of important IT Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
VCIO-led Quarterly Business Review (QBR) Meetings
IT Reporting & TrackingImprovement happens when we track the data, review the data, and make data-driven decisions. That’s why, when you work with us, you’ll get access to a dashboard and ongoing reports.
Your ACT360 DEEP MSP™ engagement includes:
Dashboard and Reporting of Ticket Usage, Network Uptime, and other IT KPIs
Monthly report on open and closed tickets, service calls taken, average times to respond, and resolved call requests/issues
Monthly report of issues requires escalation and action taken or needing to be taken to resolve the issue
Quarterly meetings (QBRs) to report on outstanding issues, capacity, network status, firewall changes, application deployments and more throughout the quarter
Quarterly review of the health and performance of the network
Quarterly review and discussion of work to be done and potential IT projects
Quarterly review, optimization, and automation of at least one new business process
Quarterly review of upcoming license renewals, hardware purchases needed, and other upgrades needed
Annual reporting of IT hardware and software upgrades required over the next 3-5 years (as determined by the business needs, goals, and budget)
Annual review of the work completed and overall IT statistics, issues, budget, and wins
Business Process Improvement & AutomationWe believe that done right, your technology can save you up to $200,000 per user thanks to improved productivity, cost savings, and increased profitability. To this end, partnering with us as your Managed Service Provider includes business process improvement and technology-enabled automation using Microsoft-friendly tools.
Your ACT360 DEEP MSP™ engagement includes:
Review of all your user processes and workflows for areas of automation and optimization
Quarterly review of your processes with your team and ours to explore how to reduce bottlenecks and improve productivity
Reduction in time spent moving files, rebooting servers and computers, and performing routine tasks during critical work hours
Ongoing IT Professional Services ProjectsAs your strategic VCIO and MSP, we know that other projects will happen from time-to-time such as the need for new data centers, updated cabling, a new website, and other necessary IT projects. We’re here to help, so your project also includes access to our team for further IT projects.
Your ACT360 DEEP MSP™ engagement includes:
Recommendation, estimate, and proposal for ongoing IT professional services work
Expansion of your IT department by doing work in application development, website development (Drupal or WordPress), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), or other networking/infrastructure/server tasks outside the scope of the DEEP MSP™ engagement

Ready to Talk About Your IT Needs? So Are We.

Use the form to contact us about your current needs, goals, and budget. We’ll book a no-obligation meeting to give you valuable feedback and explore if we’re a good fit.

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