
IT Consulting & IT Advisory Services

ACT360 VCIO Services

The Solution is ACT360’s
DEEP MSP + VCIO Service.

When it comes to making dynamic changes, your business of 20-100 employees has the leading edge over larger corporations with hundreds of employees who can’t pivot quickly.

Yet what you gain in flexibility, you likely lack in strategic IT leadership and an experienced team who can handle reactive tech fixes and proactive technology projects with expertise and timeliness.

So while you may want to optimize your processes, upgrade your network, or integrate your applications more seamlessly, your team may lack the capacity to get it done in a timely manner.

What you need is a way to leverage your size into a differentiator.

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Why We Include VCIO Services in Every DEEP MSP Engagement

In order to truly drive value for your organization, you need three important elements: IT Strategy, People Alignment, and Technology Team, Tools, and Processes.

IT Strategy

Leading Tech-Driven Business Value is IT Strategy. In order to preserve your investment, save costs, and drive ROI, you need an IT strategy that aligns with your short and long-term business goals.
Solution: ACT360 DEEP MSP™ VCIO
VCIO Services in Every DEEP MSP™ Engagement in Barrie

Technology Team,
Tools, and Processes

A tech strategy is only as good as its execution, and so we’ll bring the team, tools, processes, and reporting to
Solution: DEEP MSP™ IT Service

People Alignment

Your VCIO helps you align your business stakeholders with the tech team for better buy-in, improved productivity, and fewer departmental silos. You’ll see how your technology investment is working for your business, rather than merely being a cost center.
Solution: DEEP MSP™ Quarterly Business Reviews & the DEEP MSP™ Dashboard

Seven Benefits of the ACT360 Virtual and Fractional CIO Service for Growing Companies

When you choose ACT360’s Deep MSP™ VCIO service, you’ll get more than just IT support and hardware/software management through our MSP service. You’ll also gain a board-level ally who’ll reach across departmental silos to improve processes, communication, and alignment across the company for more productivity and profit.

You’ll gain someone who will think and plan strategically about your technology in ways which grow your business. Someone who will only suggest projects which align with your business objectives and develop clear project plans for implementation. Someone who will lead the team in getting technology projects completed and who will own the entire technology runway so you don’t have to.

When you work with our Barrie team, that person is your ACT360 VCIO.

Technology Ownership in Barrie
Technology Ownership
With your ACT360 VCIO, you gain a single point of contact and a person responsible for designing, implementing, and managing your network infrastructure and technology.
Technology Strategy in Barrie
Technology Strategy
Your ACT360 VCIO helps you determine the best infrastructure strategy, educates you on security best practices, and advises on project investment timelines to ensure a balance of forward-thinking investment and immediate cost savings.
A Strategic Advantage in Barrie
A Strategic Advantage
Your ACT360 VCIO keeps up with the latest in technology solutions, regulations, and opportunities so you don’t have to, giving your business a strategic advantage.
Built-in Technology Experience in Barrie
Built-in Technology Experience
Your VCIO comes with an expert team capable of providing a broader spectrum of experience across many technology stacks and skills, saving you the costs of hiring many team members to cover all the bases.
A Business Liaison in Barrie
A Business Liaison
Your ACT360 VCIO will explain technology solutions in business-friendly language, allowing cross-departmental communication and improved stakeholder engagement and buy-in. You can also trust your VCIO to speak with other executive leaders, present to the board, and handle strategic conversations with ease and expertise.
Built-in Vertical & Industry Experience in Barrie
Built-in Vertical & Industry Experience
Your experienced ACT360 VCIO knows the industry you work in, but so does the team. Your VCIO is joined by an MSP team that has solved the same or similar problems across multiple verticals.
Increased ROI & Cost Savings in Barrie
Increased ROI & Cost Savings
Your ACT360 VCIO will measure IT expenses, help determine the return on investment (ROI), and guide your leadership team in deciding which IT projects, services, applications, or hardware meet your business objectives. (Ask us how your technology you can save thousands of dollars per user!)
This Sounds Great! Let’s Talk!

The VCIO Quarterly Business Review (QBR)

Baked into every DEEP MSP™ partnership is the VCIO Quarterly Business Review. Together with your CFO and other executive leadership, you and your ACT360 VCIO will meet every three months to cover all your technology bases.

Engagement Review in Barrie
Engagement Review
We’ll cover your organization’s big picture risks including antivirus and cybersecurity risks, backup status, training needs, support trends, upcoming renewals, and more.
IT Risk Analysis in Barrie
IT Risk Analysis
Value Management in Barrie
Value Management
You’ll get a big picture of your tech budget, license usage, support volume, forecasted technology changes, and overall ROI.
Strategy & Growth in Barrie
Strategy & Growth
We’ll explore your business trajectory over the next few months, review your goals, and develop and review important business KPIs. Then, we’ll align the technology plan to our learnings.
Business Process Review in Barrie
Business Process Review
Every QBR will involve reviewing, documenting, and optimizing a few of your business processes using technology solutions.

Our Promise to You

When you work with us, we WON’T bring a “set it and forget it” mentality.

We WILL help you leverage new systems to make sure you’re getting the most productive bang for your buck.

We WILL listen closely to your entire team to understand the impact of potential changes.

Our DEEP MSP™ program is structured around people first. We will get to know your business deeply in order to make customized recommendations to suit your unique business needs. We do more than “make things work.”

Our entire ACT360 team is deeply committed to helping your business become as productive and streamlined as possible so you can serve your customers better, increase your profits, and grow your impact.

Read More About What Sets Us Apart

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