
Embracing Digital Transformation in a Post-pandemic World

Tired of talking about COVID-19 yet? Us, too. Let’s talk about a post-COVID world instead.  The past few months have been … ahem … a whirlwind. Your world has been flipped upside down. You, your staff, and your customers have all been forced to abide by “social distancing” rules, a concept that wasn’t even on your radar […]

Tired of talking about COVID-19 yet? Us, too. Let’s talk about a post-COVID world instead. 

The past few months have been … ahem … a whirlwind. Your world has been flipped upside down. You, your staff, and your customers have all been forced to abide by “social distancing” rules, a concept that wasn’t even on your radar earlier this year. 

And what happened when we all went home, and stayed home?  

We went online, of course! For good, bad or indifferent, we all turned to our trusty interwebs. We logged on for entertainment and socialization, to shop, to do our banking, and even to keep virtual doctor appointments. 

No matter what industry you’re in, your customers have been pulled into a digital vortex.

Sure, some may have already been tech savvy, but just as many weren’t ready for the pendulum to swing so far so fast.  

What happened next? Your call centre blew up.  

Yeah, ours did, too.  

Countless businesses just like yours have felt the sudden influx of customer service inquiries since the brick and mortar doors (literally) closed indefinitely.  

Digital adoption, ready or not 

In all honesty, we’re impressed with how the public is adjusting to being in isolation, forced to fend for themselves online.


… the species that survives is the one that is able to adapt to and to adjust best to the changing environment in which it finds itself. - Darwin 

Being in the web and IT space, we’re especially intrigued by how many businesses plan to continue down the digital path to customer self-service even after lockdown restrictions are lifted. 

Let’s talk about how you can lighten the load on your customer service team. Here are three ways to help customers embrace digital transformation even after your physical doors reopen: 

  1. Teach staff the subtle art of digital product promotion 

    Ensure your frontline team is making the best use of your digital tools, not just for themselves, but for your customers. Promoting tools they trust and rely on every day is the simplest way for them to (naturally) encourage customers to embrace those same digital tools.   
  2. Create an instructional online hub 

    TD has a great online hub filled with useful information about its digital tools. If you don’t already have one, we strongly recommend building a collection of walkthroughs and app simulations.

    It serves as a handy resource for front-liners to support customers. Better still, it helps customers help themselves, ultimately alleviating some pressure from your customer service team.  

    Learn about our Content Marketing team. 
  3. Reward customers for digital adoption 

    This one’s a no brainer. Who doesn’t love free stuff? When customers need a gentle nudge toward digital adoption, it’s easy to get them there with loyalty points, interactive quizzes and games. It’s even easier when you offer a chance to win a cool prize.  

Those are just a few of the many ways to help customers embrace digital transformation. Your call centre team will thank you. 

If you’re ready to get your ACT together, give us a buzz!  


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