
12 Hard Truths About Data Recovery and Business Continuity

What is business continuity? In short, it's the ability to retrieve data from anywhere at any time. It's one of those things you don't think about … until it's too late. SMBs can be wiped out by hurricanes, tornados, fires or floods. No one is immune. And when disaster does strike, those SMBs who've taken […]

What is business continuity? In short, it's the ability to retrieve data from anywhere at any time. It's one of those things you don't think about … until it's too late.

SMBs can be wiped out by hurricanes, tornados, fires or floods. No one is immune. And when disaster does strike, those SMBs who've taken care to plan for data recovery will be the ones left standing.

If you haven't put any thought into business continuity, here are 12 cold hard truths that will (hopefully) encourage you into taking action:

Natural disasters aren't the real killers when it comes to data loss. It's malware.
Cyber attacks are on the rise. Malware is damaging everything from PCs to Macs, mobile devices and network systems.

More than half of the American SMBs have experienced day-to-day business operation disruptions.

81% of those disruptions has led to downtime lasting up to 3 days.

80% of businesses that have experienced a major disaster are out of business within 3 years.

Meanwhile, 40% of businesses impacted by critical IT failure cease operations within 1 year.

44% of businesses ravaged by a fire fail to reopen.

Only 33% of those that do reopen survive longer than 3 years.

Disaster recovery professionals estimate that 60 - 70% of all business disruptions originate internally.

93% of businesses unable to access their data centre for 10+ days wound up filing for bankruptcy within 12 months of the loss.

There are more than 140,000 weekly hard drive crashes in the US alone.

34% of SMBs say they never test their backup and recovery solutions.

Of those who do, more than 75% found flaws in their plan.
So let me ask you this … when was the last time you checked your backup and disaster recovery processes?

You are vulnerable and the risk of critical data loss is serious. The best defense is preparedness.

Talk to us, we can help.

Minimize My Risk

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